An Educator, a mom and a female.
As starting my new initiative with Dalton, I will gradually migrate all content on this website to a new site - Alignment Edu. Please update your bookmarks and visit our new online home. We will share our passion of AI in Education, Learning Technologies and MakerEd on the new site with accessible resources.
I appreciate your understanding during this transition.
If you have any questions, I can be reached via Thank you for your continued support!
Kind regards,
Cora Yang

Life On Land
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
A flourishing life on land is the foundation for our life on this planet. We are all part of the planet’s ecosystem and we have caused severe damage to it through deforestation, loss of natural habitats and land degradation. Promoting the sustainable use of our ecosystems and preserving biodiversity is not a cause. It is the key to our own survival.
Today's Message From Experts
🌳 Challenge 1: Save the Forest

The last few summers have been some of the hottest on record and the forest service needs you to help keep fires under control. Use blocks to code your air tanker and set up tech so your ground team can help you save the forest!
Coding language: Block-based
Platform: MakeCode Arcade

🏞 Challenge 2: Code a 3D Card

Using block-based coding to create a 3D card to show the peaceful scene of the forest at night.
You can also share a message about raising awareness of 'Life on Land'.
Coding language: Block-based
Platform: TinkerCAD
Step 1: How to sign up for the TinkerCAD accounts
Step 3: Create Stars that located randomly on the Sky
Step 5: Add a Message on Your Card
Step 2: Create a Moon
Step 4: Create the Forests for Card
Step 6: Get Sharing Links on TinkerCAD
🪶 Challenge 3: Bird Watch Website
Build a website like the one in the trinket.
What you'll learn:
Using an online editor to create a website made up of HTML files and a CSS file
Building a HTML website that has headings, paragraph text, lists, and images
Using CSS code to control the look of your website, including designing a simple menu bar and changing colours, backgrounds, and borders
Linking pages to each other, and linking to other websites
Creating a table that includes headings and multiple rows
Coding language: HTML
Coding Platform: Trinket

🍄 Challenge 4: 3D Mario Plants Tree
Mario moves around and collides with seeds to plant trees. Planting trees brings clouds and rainfall.
AR/VR Concepts: 3D Object Positions and 3D Object Visibility
Coding Concepts: Events and Sequencing; Up and down counter
Coding language: Block-based Coding
Coding Platform: HatchXR Kids