In this project, we'll use Probability as the key element and create a very festive game on MakeCode Arcade.
This is how the game looks like:
In this game, you need to combine your digital design (pixel art) and coding skills. In MakeCode Arcade, you need to design your game characters as player/food/enemy and etc. Here's a quick look of the instructions.

Of course, you can customize the design and make the game more festive or match your styles!
To make the game design experience more authentic, we install our finished games to Meow:Bit and share it with classmates.

Meowbit is a card-sized graphical retro game computer with allows you coding with Makecode arcade and Python. In other words, it can use combines game programming with hardware devices.
Here's the tutorial about connecting Meow:Bit with your laptop and install your finished games there:
The last thing is to share your amazing games. Please share your games on the following Padlet link. You can find the sharing steps on our instructions.
Have fun creating games!